Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Worm Theology

My friend Randy is a giant of a man. A compassionate and passionate wordsmith of a Pastor in the next town over, Randy and I had a conversation about worms long ago. Specifically what he called "worm theology."

Worm Theology says that we're so inferior and unworthy to the mighty, creator God of the universe that we are nothing more than dust. Sadly, I've found this to be a theology embraced by many Godly people who never move beyond paralyzing shame, fear, doubt and insecurities because they don't believe they should. They actually believe they are honoring God by viewing themselves as wholly inadequate and unworthy.

And it's a lie.

The Bible does not support Worm Theology. The message is consistent that we were created in the image of a God not a worm. A God that created us for fellowship, love and life. Created us to be his children and heirs to the kingdom. Children that he gave his Son for. We are princes and princesses, not worms.

Unless we want to be.

Just because we are princes and princesses does not prevent us from crawling about like worms. It does not prevent us from spending our days, weeks, months and years struggling to breathe, eat and live while crawling through dirt, dust and grime. Dirt, dust and grime that we were created to walk over not crawl through.

All too frequently I find myself living as a worm. I want to believe, but do not. I want to triumph, yet hesitate. I want to write, encourage, create, taste, experience, build, kiss, laugh. I want to live.

And yet I crawl.

But not all the time.

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